
Driving a Desert Road

Organ Pipe National Monument is like Big Bend National Park in one respect. You really have to want to go there. It’s on the Mexican border and only two roads access it. One is paved and goes to a small border crossing. The other is gravel and connected the ranches that used to operate in the area with the border to the south and the town of Ajo, near our campsite, to the north. We chose to return to camp on the gravel road.


  1. Norma

    Thanks for taking me on the trip with you ?

  2. Robin newing

    Thanks again for the journey, classic cacti, could be in ‘Roadrunner’.
    Do you recall the story we saw somewhere of the guy who decided to shoot one up and it fell and crushed him? Also I recall you taking various videos on our travels, are they extant, did you catalog them? I post your blogs onto Jacky and Leigh, who have fast become fans.
    I never felt content with ‘ghost’ towns or buildings, fascinated yes, but perhaps I’m too tidy or they are too close to our own time, (I don’t get that feeling with castles or cathedrals). That ranch was worked until well after we were born. Such transience. Also, how do you keep them erect? I remember the debate at the ghost town of Garnet, ( now there was a creepy place), repair the building enough to keep them standing, but not so much that they ceased to have contact with their own past. As your guy said, that was ‘a good dirt road’, certainly compared to some of the corrugated ones we travelled, including the one where the overhead cabinet came down, (Missouri?), and Seth and I had to hold it up until we reached camp. It should never have been filled with canned goods! Where were you camping, it looks like the side of the road, and certainly isolated. Have you managed to get your jab anywhere? Still waiting on the house sale, but Spring is coming, wild flowers and light evenings. Love to you both, Robin.

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